Murray & Roberts Valuation Services, Inc.
Murray & Roberts CPA Firm S.C. has been performing business valuations since the year 2000. Typically, these 'full valuation reports' took weeks to prepare and would cost between $5,000 and $10,000. Over the years we had been told many times by our clients that they weren't sure their situation warranted the expense of the full report, or that their circumstances didn't allow for the time required to prepare such a report. Our clients wanted a quality report that was less expensive and quick.
In 2013 we conducted an analysis of the many reports we had written, with the objective of identifying the least amount of information required from the client to arrive at a value estimate within 10% of the full report conclusion of value over 90% of the time. The result of that work is our Calculation of Value Report, which we could prepare within 48 hours at a cost of only $499. We began promoting this service nationwide in 2014 on through a new company called Murray & Roberts Valuation Services, Inc.
Two years later, we conducted a detailed analysis of the best sales forecasting techniques (see our article titled Is There a Better Method of Forecasting Sales). The conclusion of this analysis was a significantly improved sales modeling method. The techniques applied in this modeling (least squares, principally) led to the development of our operating income modeling method (discussed in detail in Modeling Operating Income from Historical Data).
The reliability of valuation results has been an unspoken problem – the elephant in the room – burdening the valuation profession since the original formalization of valuation procedure. Experts had no way to quantify for their clients the impact that data quality had on the reliability of the valuation conclusion.
While conducting statistical analysis on the improved accuracy of our operating profit model, we formulated a procedure for testing the statistical reliability of a valuation estimate, and the Reliability Score was born. The Reliability Score is the first statistical measure ever created to evaluate the reliability of a valuation conclusion.
All of these innovations began out of an attempt to satisfy our clients’ needs for a fast, reliable, and economical business valuation, and have resulted in the world’s best free online business valuation, and the only one with a statistically determined Reliability Score.